Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Notes - trivia 10

1) How many flags does a thirty-second note have?

a) 3
b) 4

2) How many flags does a sixty-fourth note have?

a) 4
b) 5

Check comments for the answers.


Timbre is the sound quality of a music note. The way a particular instrument sounds.

Bass voice

Bass is the lowest male voice.

Countertenor voice

Countertenor is the highest male voice.

Contralto voice

Contralto is the lowest female voice.

Soprano voice

Soprano is the highest female voice.


Accelerando is a gradual increase in tempo. It is the opposite of ritardando.


Ritardando is a gradual decrease in tempo. It is the opposite of accelerando.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Notes - facts 15

1) A thirty-second note has three flags.

2) A sixty-fourth note has four flags.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A flat melodic minor scale

The A flat melodic minor scale is

ascending: Ab, Bb, Cb, Db, Eb, F, G, Ab

descending: Ab, Gb, Fb, Eb, Db, Cb, Bb, Ab

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to G sharp melodic minor.

E flat melodic minor scale

The E flat melodic minor scale is

ascending: Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb

descending: Eb, Db, Cb, Bb, Ab, Gb, F, Eb

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to D sharp melodic minor.

B flat melodic minor scale

The B flat melodic minor scale is

ascending: Bb, C, Db, Eb, F, G, A, Bb

descending: Bb, Ab, Gb, F, Eb, Db, C, Bb

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to A sharp melodic minor.

F melodic minor scale

The F melodic minor scale is

ascending: F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, E, F

descending: F, Eb, Db, C, Bb, Ab, G, F

C melodic minor scale

The C melodic minor scale is

ascending: C, D, Eb, F, G, A, B, C

descending: C, Bb, Ab, G, F, Eb, D, C

G melodic minor scale

The G melodic minor scale is

ascending: G, A, Bb, C, D, E, F#, G

descending: G, F, Eb, D, C, Bb, A, G

D melodic minor scale

The D melodic minor scale is

ascending: D, E, F, G, A, B, C#, D

descending: D, C, Bb, A, G, F, E, D

A sharp melodic minor scale

The A sharp melodic minor scale is

ascending: A#, B#, C#, D#, E#, Fx, Gx, A#

descending: A#, G#, F#, E#, D#, C#, B#, A#

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to B flat melodic minor.

D sharp melodic minor scale

The D sharp melodic minor scale is

ascending: D#, E#, F#, G#, A#, B#, Cx, D#

descending: D#, C#, B, A#, G#, F#, E#, D#

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to E flat melodic minor.

G sharp melodic minor scale

The G sharp melodic minor scale is

ascending: G#, A#, B, C#, D#, E#, Fx, G#

descending: G#, F#, E, D#, C#, B, A#, G#

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to A flat melodic minor.

C sharp melodic minor scale

The C sharp melodic minor scale is

ascending: C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A#, B#, C#

descending: C#, B, A, G#, F#, E, D#, C#

F sharp melodic minor scale

The F sharp melodic minor scale is

ascending: F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#, E#, F#

descending: F#, E, D, C#, B, A, G#, F#

B melodic minor scale

The B melodic minor scale is

ascending: B, C#, D, E, F#, G#, A#, B

descending: B, A, G, F#, E, D, C#, B

E melodic minor scale

The E melodic minor scale is

ascending: E, F#, G, A, B, C#, D#, E

descending: E, D, C, B, A, G, F#, E

A melodic minor scale

The A melodic minor scale is

ascending: A, B, C, D, E, F#, G#, A

descending: A, G, F, E, D, C, B, A

Saturday, April 10, 2010

C flat dominant seventh chord

The C flat dominant seventh chord is

Cb, Eb, Gb, Bbb

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to B dominant seventh.

G flat dominant seventh chord

The G flat dominant seventh chord is

Gb, Bb, Db, Fb

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to F sharp dominant seventh.

D flat dominant seventh chord

The D flat dominant seventh chord is

Db, F, Ab, Cb

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to C sharp dominant seventh.

A flat dominant seventh chord

The A flat dominant seventh chord is

Ab, C, Eb, Gb

E flat dominant seventh chord

The E flat dominant seventh chord is

Eb, G, Bb, Db

B flat dominant seventh chord

The B flat dominant seventh chord is

Bb, D, F, Ab

C sharp dominant seventh chord

The C sharp dominant seventh chord is

C#, E#, G#, B

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to D flat dominant seventh.

F dominant seventh chord

The F dominant seventh chord is

F, A, C, Eb

F sharp dominant seventh chord

The F sharp dominant seventh chord is

F#, A#, C#, E

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to G flat dominant seventh.

B dominant seventh chord

The B dominant seventh chord is

B, D#, F#, A

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to C flat dominant seventh.

E dominant seventh chord

The E dominant seventh chord is

E, G#, B, D

A dominant seventh chord

The A dominant seventh chord is

A, C#, E, G

D dominant seventh chord

The D dominant seventh chord is

D, F#, A, C

G dominant seventh chord

The G dominant seventh chord is

G, B, D, F

C dominant seventh chord

The C dominant seventh chord is

C, E, G, Bb

Friday, April 9, 2010

Scales - facts 10

1) An ascending melodic minor scale can be formed by using the intervals of: whole, half, whole, whole, whole, whole, half (2 1 2 2 2 2 1).

2) The ascending A melodic minor scale has two sharps.

Scales - facts 9

1) A harmonic minor scale can be formed by using the intervals of: whole, half, whole, whole, half, whole and a half, half (2 1 2 2 1 3 1).

2) The C harmonic minor scale has two flats.

Scales - facts 8

1) A minor scale can be formed by using the intervals of: whole, half, whole, whole, half, whole, whole (2 1 2 2 1 2 2).

2) The C minor scale has three flats.

A flat harmonic minor scale

The A flat harmonic minor scale is

Ab, Bb, Cb, Db, Eb, Fb, G, Ab

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to G sharp harmonic minor.

E flat harmonic minor scale

The E flat harmonic minor scale is

Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb, Cb, D, Eb

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to D sharp harmonic minor.

B flat harmonic minor scale

The B flat harmonic minor scale is

Bb, C, Db, Eb, F, Gb, A, Bb

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to A sharp harmonic minor.

F harmonic minor scale

The F harmonic minor scale is

F, G, Ab, Bb, C, Db, E, F

C harmonic minor scale

The C harmonic minor scale is

C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, B, C

G harmonic minor scale

The G harmonic minor scale is

G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F#, G

D harmonic minor scale

The D harmonic minor scale is

D, E, F, G, A, Bb, C#, D

A sharp harmonic minor scale

The A sharp harmonic minor scale is

A#, B#, C#, D#, E#, F#, Gx, A#

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to B flat harmonic minor.

D sharp harmonic minor scale

The D sharp harmonic minor scale is

D#, E#, F#, G#, A#, B, Cx, D#

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to E flat harmonic minor.

G sharp harmonic minor scale

The G sharp harmonic minor scale is

G#, A#, B, C#, D#, E, Fx, G#

This scale is enharmonically equivalent to A flat harmonic minor.

C sharp harmonic minor scale

The C sharp harmonic minor scale is

C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A, B#, C#

F sharp harmonic minor scale

The F sharp harmonic minor scale is

F#, G#, A, B, C#, D, E#, F#

B harmonic minor scale

The B harmonic minor scale is

B, C#, D, E, F#, G, A#, B

E harmonic minor scale

The E harmonic minor scale is

E, F#, G, A, B, C, D#, E

A harmonic minor scale

The A harmonic minor scale is

A, B, C, D, E, F, G#, A

Chords - facts 4

1) A dominant seventh chord can be formed by using the first, third, fifth, and seventh (flat) notes of a major scale (1 3 5 7b).

2) The C dominant seventh chord has one flat.

A flat minor seventh chord

The A flat minor seventh chord is

Ab, Cb, Eb, Gb

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to G sharp minor seventh.

E flat minor seventh chord

The E flat minor seventh chord is

Eb, Gb, Bb, Db

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to D sharp minor seventh.

B flat minor seventh chord

The B flat minor seventh chord is

Bb, Db, F, Ab

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to A sharp minor seventh.

F minor seventh chord

The F minor seventh chord is

F, Ab, C, Eb

C sharp minor seventh chord

The C sharp minor seventh chord is

C#, E, G#, B

F sharp minor seventh chord

The F sharp minor seventh chord is

F#, A, C#, E

B minor seventh chord

The B minor seventh chord is

B, D, F#, A

E minor seventh chord

The E minor seventh chord is

E, G, B, D

A minor seventh chord

The A minor seventh chord is

A, C, E, G

D minor seventh chord

The D minor seventh chord is

D, F, A, C

G minor seventh chord

The G minor seventh chord is

G, Bb, D, F

C minor seventh chord

The C minor seventh chord is

C, Eb, G, Bb

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Chords - facts 3

1) A major seventh chord can be formed by using the first, third, fifth, and seventh notes of a major scale (1 3 5 7).

2) A minor seventh chord can be formed by using the first, third (flat), fifth, and seventh (flat) notes of a major scale (1 3b 5 7b). You can also form a minor seventh chord by using the first, third, fifth, and seventh notes of a minor scale.

C flat major seventh chord

The C flat major seventh chord is

Cb, Eb, Gb, Bb

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to B major seventh.

G flat major seventh chord

The G flat major seventh chord is

Gb, Bb, Db, F

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to F sharp major seventh.

D flat major seventh chord

The D flat major seventh chord is

Db, F, Ab, C

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to C sharp major seventh.

A flat major seventh chord

The A flat major seventh chord is

Ab, C, Eb, G

E flat major seventh chord

The E flat major seventh chord is

Eb, G, Bb, D

B flat major seventh chord

The B flat major seventh chord is

Bb, D, F, A

F major seventh chord

The F major seventh chord is

F, A, C, E

C sharp major seventh chord

The C sharp major seventh chord is

C#, E#, G#, B#

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to D flat major seventh.

F sharp major seventh chord

The F sharp major seventh chord is

F#, A#, C#, E#

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to G flat major seventh.

B major seventh chord

The B major seventh chord is

B, D#, F#, A#

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to C flat major seventh.

E major seventh chord

The E major seventh chord is

E, G#, B, D#

A major seventh chord

The A major seventh chord is

A, C#, E, G#

D major seventh chord

The D major seventh chord is

D, F#, A, C#

G major seventh chord

The G major seventh chord is

G, B, D, F#

C major seventh chord

The C major seventh chord is

C, E, G, B

Chords - trivia 5

1) What is the second note of a F minor chord?

a) A flat
b) B flat

2) What is the third note of a A flat minor chord?

a) C flat
b) E flat

Check comments for the answers.

Chords - trivia 4

1) What is the second note of a C minor chord?

a) E flat
b) G flat

2) What is the third note of a A minor chord?

a) C
b) E

Check comments for the answers.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A flat diminished chord

The A flat diminished chord is

Ab, Cb, Ebb

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to G sharp diminished.

E flat diminished chord

The E flat diminished chord is

Eb, Gb, Bbb

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to D sharp diminished.

B flat diminished chord

The B flat diminished chord is

Bb, Db, Fbb

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to A sharp diminished.

F diminished chord

The F diminished chord is

F, Ab, Cb

C sharp diminished chord

The C sharp diminished chord is

C#, E, G

F sharp diminished chord

The F sharp diminished chord is

F#, A, C

B diminished chord

The B diminished chord is

B, D, F

E diminished chord

The E diminished chord is

E, G, Bb

A diminished chord

The A diminished chord is

A, C, Eb

D diminished chord

The D diminished chord is

D, F, Ab

G diminished chord

The G diminished chord is

G, Bb, Db

C diminished chord

The C diminished chord is

C, Eb, Gb

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Intervals - trivia 2

1) What is a lowered perfect fifth interval called?

a) diminished fifth
b) augmented fifth

2) What is a raised perfect fourth interval called?

a) diminished fourth
b) augmented fourth

Check comments for the answers.

Intervals - trivia 1

1) What are unison, fourth, fifth, and octave intervals called?

a) minor
b) perfect

2) What is a raised perfect fifth interval called?

a) augmented fifth
b) diminished fifth

Check comments for the answers.

Circle of fifths - facts 1

1) The circle of fifths has the sharps on the right side and the flats on the left.

2) The circle of fifths shows up to seven major flat or sharp key signatures.

C flat augmented chord

The C flat augmented chord is

Cb, Eb, G

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to B augmented.

G flat augmented chord

The G flat augmented chord is

Gb, Bb, D

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to F sharp augmented.

D flat augmented chord

The D flat augmented chord is

Db, F, A

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to C sharp augmented.

A flat augmented chord

The A flat augmented chord is

Ab, C, E

E flat augmented chord

The E flat augmented chord is

Eb, G, B

B flat augmented chord

The B flat augmented chord is

Bb, D, F#

F augmented chord

The F augmented chord is

F, A, C#

C sharp augmented chord

The C sharp augmented chord is

C#, E#, Gx

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to D flat augmented.

F sharp augmented chord

The F sharp augmented chord is

F#, A#, Cx

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to G flat augmented.

B augmented chord

The B augmented chord is

B, D#, Fx

This chord is enharmonically equivalent to C flat augmented.

E augmented chord

The E augmented chord is

E, G#, B#

A augmented chord

The A augmented chord is

A, C#, E#

D augmented chord

The D augmented chord is

D, F#, A#

G augmented chord

The G augmented chord is

G, B, D#

C augmented chord

The C augmented chord is

C, E, G#